Hello! Mr. Prime Minister, after “Swatch Bharat Abhiyan”, can we have a “Rape free Bharat Abhiyan”?
Though I am strongly inspired by our Prime Minister, not because of who he is but because of what he did.
But, I am particularly unimpressed rather displeased with the level of awareness and work our central government is doing to protect the dignity of its daughters.
It’s high time now that the government should bring this “Most PRO-VOTE” topic into lime light (read, really find out the solution) like that for building toilets and cleaning roads.
I think before cleaning our environment, we have to clean our thoughts, thoughts of this male dominated society of INDIA.
When we talk about the status of girls in INDIA, no matter from which nationality, religion, age group or race they belong to, they are vulnerable, prone to mishaps (read RAPE) anytime, all the time.
And unfortunately there is not at all shortage of the most recent examples to prove my point. Recent news of a 25year old woman raped by a cab driver and a serial rapist, once again questions the law which is so weak that allows the rapists to roam freely on the streets re-committing the heinous crime, time and again.
From the rape of a six month old infant to that of a 25 year old lady to a 60 year old senior citizen, you name them and the answer will always be ”Yes they have been raped”.
What’s worst is, after such incidents, everybody advises them, The Girls, not to disclose their identity. According to them disclosing the identity will tarnish the girl's reputation.
Shouldn’t it be a shame to our whole nation, to the whole men community, for their failure to protect their little fairies, their goddesses, their better half?
Is it the girl’s fault if Indian men are so desperate to satisfy their urge for sex?
Is it the fault of a six month old girl if she is not old enough to understand the onus/curse of being a girl child in a country like INDIA?
Is it the fault of the elderly lady, who misunderstood the intentions of the helper who raped her, robbed her house and later burned her, that he is like her son?
This shows the level of psychological imbalance of INDIAN men (Not all, but most).
Today, I have seen mothers of 3 boys, 4 boys, depressed thinking about how to find/attract a suitable bride for her boys.
On the other hand parents of a girl child are comparatively much relaxed.
Feeling Happy for the rise in the status of the girls in INDIA?
Well, I am not. This is happening not because a girl child is preferred but because of the deteriorating child sex ratio, due to a shortage in the number of girls per thousand boys.
Girls are not safe anywhere as far as INDIA is considered, not even in their mother's womb. Every possible effort is made to abort the girl child and if at all she is born, she has to bear with and protect herself from the these perverts, roaming free on the streets, driving vehicles, self-styled godmans, leaders of MNCs, servants, MEN!
No doubt I am proud to be a girl. But, sometimes I become excessively sad, shocked, scared after hearing such kind of nerve-wrecking incidents.
I feel like staying at my home all the time.
I feel guilty that my parents have to put in so much of efforts and care in order to ensure my safety.
I myself feel vulnerable all the time when I am alone on Delhi Streets.
How long will this continue to happen?
How long GIRLS will remain deprived of their freedom and continued to be discriminated?
Moving to the developed countries with their people having a proper mindset is the only option left for us?
No, the first step towards the solution to the problem is to bring about the change in the mindset of our people.
No amount of helpline numbers, safety apps, or safety tricks could do much to change the situation.
Secondly, our law needs to be changed and the harshest punishment (death penalty or life imprisonment at least, because I know expecting anything harsher is not possible in our soft country) should be sentenced to such people and that too as early as possible. These incidents should be handled on a priority basis and fast tracked.
This might change the present, dirty scenario of our country. Hopefully.
Finally, SIR, Please launch a “Mahila Surakshit Bharat Abhiyaan” also.
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